Responsible for the treatment MARTICO VALENCIA, S.L
Address of the person in charge Paseo de la Alameda 34, 5º A, CP 46023, Valencia (Valencia / València)
Purpose Your data will be used to meet your requests and provide our services.
Advertising We will only send you advertising with your prior authorization, which you can provide us with through the corresponding box established for this purpose.
Legitimation We will only process your data with your prior consent, which you can provide us with through the corresponding box established for this purpose.
Recipients In general, only the staff of our entity that is duly authorized may have knowledge of the information that we request.
Rights You have the right to know what information we have about you, correct it and delete it, as explained in the additional information available on our website.
Additional information More information in the “YOUR SECURE DATA” section of our website.


Information in compliance with the personal data protection regulations

In Europe and Spain there are data protection regulations designed to protect your personal information that are mandatory for our entity.

Therefore, it is very important for us that you fully understand what we are going to do with the personal data that we ask for.

Thus, we will be transparent and we will give you control of your data, with simple language and clear options that will allow you to decide what we will do with your personal information.

Please, if you have any questions after reading this information, do not hesitate to ask us.

Thank you very much for your help.

About us?

Our CIF / NIF: B46349494
Our main activity: Freight forwarder
Our address: Paseo de la Alameda 34, 5º A, CP 46023, Valencia (Valencia / València)
Our contact telephone number: 963674013
Our contact email address: torralba@martico.com
Our website: http: //martico.com/

For your confidence and security, we inform you that we are an entity registered in the following Mercantile Registry / Public Registry:

We are at your disposal, do not hesitate to contact us.

What are we going to use your data for?

In general, your personal data will be used to be able to relate to you and to provide you with our services.

Likewise, they can also be used for other activities, such as sending you advertising or promoting our activities.

Why do we need to use your data?

Your personal data is necessary to be able to interact with you and to be able to provide you with our services. In this sense, we will put at your disposal a series of boxes that will allow you to decide in a clear and simple way about the use of your personal information.

Who is going to know the information we ask for?

In general, only the personnel of our entity that is duly authorized will be able to have knowledge of the information that we request.

Similarly, those entities that need to have access to it so that we can provide our services may have knowledge of your personal information. For example, our bank will know your data if payment for our services is made by card or bank transfer.

Likewise, those public or private entities to which we are obliged to provide your personal data due to compliance with any law will have knowledge of your information. To give you an example, the Tax Law obliges you to provide the Tax Agency with certain information on economic operations that exceed a certain amount.

In the event that, regardless of the aforementioned assumptions, we need to disclose your personal information to other entities, we will request your permission in advance through clear options that will allow you to decide in this regard.

How are we going to protect your data?

We will protect your data with effective security measures based on the risks involved in the use of your information.

For this, our entity has approved a Data Protection Policy and annual controls and audits are carried out to verify that your personal data is safe at all times.

Will we send your data to other countries?

In the world there are countries that are safe for your data and others that are not so. For example, the European Union is a safe environment for your data. Our policy is not to send your personal information to any country that is not safe from a data protection point of view.

In the event that, for the purpose of providing the service, it is essential to send your data to a country that is not as safe as Spain, we will always request your permission in advance and we will apply effective security measures that reduce the risks of sending your information personal to another country.

How long are we going to keep your data?

We will keep your data during our relationship and as long as the law requires us. Once the applicable legal deadlines have expired, we will proceed to eliminate them in a safe and environmentally friendly way.

What are your data protection rights?

You can contact us at any time to find out what information we have about you, rectify it if it is incorrect, and delete it once our relationship has ended, in the event that this is legally possible.

You also have the right to request the transfer of your information to another entity. This right is called “portability” and it can be useful in certain situations.

To request any of these rights, you must make a written request to our address, along with a photocopy of your ID, in order to identify you.

In the offices of our entity we have specific forms to request these rights and we offer you our help to complete them.

To learn more about your data protection rights, you can consult the website of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (www.agpd.es).

Can you withdraw your consent if you change your mind at a later time?

You can withdraw your consent if you change your mind about the use of your data at any time.

For example, if you were once interested in receiving publicity for our products or services, but you no longer wish to receive publicity, you can let us know through the form of opposition to treatment available at the offices of our entity.

In case you understand that your rights have been neglected, where can you make a complaint?

In case you understand that your rights have been disregarded by our entity, you can file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, through any of the following means:

Electronic office: www.agpd.es
Postal address:

Spanish Agency for Data Protection
C / Jorge Juan, 6

Via telephone:

Tel. 901 100 099

Tel. 91 266 35 17

Filing a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency does not entail any cost and the assistance of a lawyer or solicitor is not necessary.

Will we create profiles of you?

Our policy is not to create profiles of the users of our services.

However, there may be situations in which, for the purposes of providing the service, commercial or otherwise, we need to create profiles of information about you. An example could be the use of your purchase or service history to be able to offer you products or services adapted to your tastes or needs.

In this case, we will apply effective security measures that protect your information at all times from unauthorized persons who intend to use it for their own benefit.

Will we use your data for other purposes?

Our policy is not to use your data for purposes other than those that we have explained to you. If, however, we need to use your data for different activities, we will always request your permission in advance through clear options that will allow you to decide on the matter.


Welcome to the COOKIES POLICY of the website of the entity MARTICO VALENCIA, SL, provided with NIF / CIFB46349494, where we will explain in clear and simple language all the necessary issues so that you can have control over them based on your personal decisions .


A cookie is a small information file that is saved on your computer, “smartphone” or tablet each time you visit our website.

In principle, a cookie is harmless: it does not contain viruses, Trojans, worms, etc. that may damage your terminal, but it does have a certain impact on your right to the protection of your personal data, as it collects certain information concerning you (browsing habits, identity, preferences, etc.).

That is why, based on the provisions of the applicable regulations (LSSI and current regulations for the protection of personal data), the activation of certain types of cookies will require your prior authorization.

Through a step as simple and fast as ticking a box in our COOKIES CONFIGURATION section, you can give your authorization to activate the cookies you want: take control and enjoy personalized navigation on our page.

Before doing so, we will give you some additional information that will help you make better decisions in this regard:

Cookies can be of various types depending on their purpose:
Technical cookies are necessary for our website to function, they do not need your authorization and they are the only ones that we have activated by default.
The rest of cookies can be used to improve our page, to personalize it based on your preferences, or to be able to show you advertising tailored to your searches, tastes and personal interests. We have all of them deactivated by default, your prior authorization being necessary for their activation, which you can take through a step as simple and fast as ticking a box in our COOKIES CONFIGURATION section.
Some cookies are ours (we will call them our own cookies) and others belong to external companies that provide services for our website (we will call them third-party cookies: an example could be cookies from external providers such as Google). In this sense, it is important that you know that some of these external providers may be located outside of Spain.

Worldwide, not all countries have the same level of data protection, with some countries being safer than others (for example, the European Union is a safe environment for your data). Our policy is to use reliable providers that, regardless of whether they are located in the European Union or not, have adopted the appropriate guarantees for the protection of your personal information. However, in the section called WHAT KIND OF COOKIES ARE CURRENTLY USED ON OUR WEBSITE? You can consult the different privacy and data protection policies of each of the aforementioned external providers, in order to make a conscious decision about the activation or not of third-party cookies used by our website.

Finally, let you know that, depending on the period of time they remain active, cookies can be of two types:
Session cookies: they expire automatically when you end the session on your computer, “smartphone” or tablet. They are usually used to keep the necessary information while a service is provided to you only once.
Persistent cookies: they remain stored on your computer, “smartphone” or tablet for a certain period, which can vary from a few minutes to several years.

Technical Cookies:

Technical cookies are strictly necessary for our website to function and to be able to navigate through it. These types of cookies are those that, for example, allow us to identify you, give you access to certain restricted parts of the page if necessary, or remember different options or services already selected by you, such as your privacy preferences. Therefore, they are activated By default, your authorization is not required in this regard.

Through your browser settings, you can block or alert of the presence of this type of cookies, although said blocking will affect the correct functioning of the different functionalities of our website.

Analysis Cookies:

The analysis cookies allow us to study the navigation of the users of our website in general (for example, which sections of the page are the most visited, which services are used the most and if they work correctly, etc.).

From the statistical information on browsing our website, we can improve both the operation of the page itself and the different services it offers. Therefore, these cookies do not have an advertising purpose, but only serve to make our website work better, adapting to our users in general. By activating them you will contribute to this continuous improvement.

You can activate or deactivate these cookies by checking the corresponding box, being deactivated by default.

Functionality and Personalization Cookies:

Functionality cookies allow us to remember your preferences, to customize certain characteristics and general options of our website to your needs, each time you access it (for example, the language in which the information is presented, the sections marked as favorites, your browser type, etc.).

Therefore, these types of cookies do not have an advertising purpose, but by activating them you will improve the functionality of the web page (for example, adapting to your type of browser) and the personalization of it based on your preferences (for example, presenting the information in the language you have chosen on previous occasions), which will contribute to the ease, usability and comfort of our page during your navigation.

You can activate or deactivate these cookies by checking the corresponding box, being deactivated by default.

Advertising Cookies:

Advertising cookies allow us to manage the advertising spaces included on our website based on criteria such as the content displayed or the frequency with which the ads are displayed.

For example, if you have been shown the same ad several times on our website, and you have not shown personal interest by clicking on it, it will not appear again. In summary, by activating this type of cookies, the advertising displayed on our website will be more useful and diverse, and less repetitive.

You can activate or deactivate these cookies by checking the corresponding box, being deactivated by default.

Behavioral Advertising Cookies:

Behavioral advertising cookies allow us to obtain information based on observing your browsing habits and behaviors on the web, in order to be able to show you advertising content that better suits your personal tastes and interests.

So that you understand it very simply, we will give you a fictitious example: if your last searches on the web were related to suspense literature, we would show you advertising about suspense books.

Therefore, by activating this type of cookies, the advertising that we show you on our website will not be generic, but will be oriented to your searches, tastes and interests, thus adjusting exclusively to you.

You can activate or deactivate these cookies by checking the corresponding box, being deactivated by default.


Next, we proceed to inform you about all the types of cookies that are currently used on our website and the purpose of each of them.

Tipo de cookie Finalidad Entidad responsable y enlace a su política de privacidad y protección de datos Plazo de tiempo (de sesión / persistente)
 Wordpress  CMS  martico.com  10s


When you access our website for the first time, a window is displayed in which we inform you that cookies can be of various types:

Technical cookies are necessary for our website to function, they do not need your authorization and they are the only ones that we have activated by default. Therefore, they are the only cookies that will be active if you only press the ACCEPT button.
The rest of cookies are used to improve our page, to personalize it based on your preferences, or to be able to show you advertising tailored to your searches, tastes and personal interests. We have all of them deactivated by default, but you can activate them in our COOKIES CONFIGURATION section: take control and enjoy personalized navigation on our page, with a step as simple and fast as marking the boxes you want.

Also inform you that, once you have activated any type of cookies, you have the possibility of deactivating them at any time you wish, with the simple step of unchecking the corresponding box in the COOKIES CONFIGURATION section of our website. It will always be as easy for you to activate our own cookies as to deactivate them.

Also remind you that, through your browser settings, you can block or warn of the presence of cookies, although such blocking may affect the proper functioning of the different functionalities of our website in the case of necessary technical cookies.

Finally, indicate that, if you activate third-party cookies (external companies that provide services for our website) and later wish to deactivate them, you can do so in two ways: using the cookie deactivation tools in your browser or through the enabled systems themselves. by such third-party providers.

To make it much easier for you, below we list a series of links to the cookie deactivation guidelines of commonly used browsers:

Google Chrome.
Mozilla Firefox.
Internet Explorer.
Safari for IOS (iPhone and iPad).
Google Chrome for Android.
Google Chrome for Iphone and Ipad.


The Directorate / Governing Body of MARTICO VALENCIA, SL (hereinafter, the data controller), assumes the maximum responsibility and commitment to the establishment, implementation and maintenance of this Data Protection Policy, guaranteeing the continuous improvement of the data controller with the objective of achieving excellence in relation to compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data and by which Directive 95/46 / CE (General Data Protection Regulation) (DOUE L 119 / 1.04-05-2016), and the Spanish regulations for the protection of personal data (Organic Law, specific sector legislation and its implementing regulations).

The Data Protection Policy of MARTICO VALENCIA, SL rests on the principle of proactive responsibility, according to which the person responsible for the treatment is responsible for complying with the regulatory and jurisprudential framework that governs said Policy, and is capable of demonstrating it before the control authorities competent.

In this sense, the person responsible for the treatment will be governed by the following principles that should serve all its personnel as a guide and frame of reference in the processing of personal data:

  1. Data protection by design: the data controller will apply, both at the time of determining the means of treatment and at the time of the treatment itself, appropriate technical and organizational measures, such as pseudonymisation, designed to effectively apply the principles of data protection, such as data minimization, and integrate the necessary guarantees in the treatment.
  2. Data protection by default: the data controller will apply the appropriate technical and organizational measures in order to guarantee that, by default, only the personal data that are necessary for each of the specific purposes of the treatment are processed.
  3. Data protection in the information life cycle: the measures that guarantee the protection of personal data will be applicable during the complete life cycle of the information.
  4. Legality, loyalty and transparency: personal data will be processed in a lawful, loyal and transparent manner in relation to the interested party.
  5. Purpose limitation: personal data will be collected for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes, and will not be further processed in a manner incompatible with said purposes.
  6. Minimization of data: personal data will be adequate, pertinent and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed.
  7. Accuracy: the personal data will be exact and, if necessary, updated; All reasonable measures will be taken so that personal data that are inaccurate with respect to the purposes for which they are processed are suppressed or rectified without delay.
  8. Limitation of the conservation period: the personal data will be kept in a way that allows the identification of the interested parties for no longer than necessary for the purposes of the processing of personal data.
  9. Integrity and confidentiality: personal data will be treated in such a way as to guarantee adequate security of personal data, including protection against unauthorized or illegal treatment and against its loss, destruction or accidental damage, through the application of technical measures or appropriate organizational arrangements.
  10. Information and training: one of the keys to guaranteeing the protection of personal data is the training and information that is provided to the personnel involved in their processing. During the life cycle of the information, all personnel with access to the data will be properly trained and informed about their obligations in relation to compliance with data protection regulations.

The Data Protection Policy of MARTICO VALENCIA, S.L is communicated to all the personnel responsible for the treatment and made available to all interested parties.

Consequently, this Data Protection Policy involves all the personnel responsible for the treatment, who must know and assume it, considering it as their own, each member being responsible for applying it and verifying the data protection regulations applicable to their activity, as well as identifying and providing the opportunities for improvement that it deems appropriate with the aim of achieving excellence in relation to compliance.

This Policy will be reviewed by the Directorate / Governing Body of MARTICO VALENCIA, S.L, as many times as deemed necessary, to adapt, at all times, to the current provisions on the protection of personal data.